Thursday, January 1, 2009

Peanut Butter Quickies

Apparently, you either like this cookie or you don't. Me, I love them. They are so easy to make, you can eat the batter, and they have peanut butter and chocolate chips. Yum!

Peanut Butter Quickies

1 14 oz Can sweeetened condensed milk
1/2 C Peanut Butter, smooth or crunchy
2 C of graham cracker crumbs (I have never measured...I use 2 sleeves of Nabisco GC and pulverize in the food processor. If I double the recipe, I use the whole box)
6 oz semi-sweet chocolate chips

Preheat oven at 350.
Add milk and peanut butter and mix until smooth.
Add chocolate chips and graham cracker crumbs to mix and mix.

Spoon out and put on greased cookie sheets. You can either just spoon out and make them look messy or roll them and smush them out to make them look smooth. Either way they don't spread on the sheet, so you can pack them on a sheet.

Bake for 12-15 minutes.

Makes about 3 dozen.

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