Sunday, September 12, 2010

Spicy Sausage Pizza

D got the sausage part of this recipe from the blog, Chaos in the Kitchen.

Our version is high in points (30.5), but you probably aren't supposed to eat half the pizza.

The sausage had a good bite. I think onion would be a good addition to the pizza.

Spicy Sausage Pizza

1 C Spicy Sausage (recipe below)
1 12-inch Boboli
3 oz mozzarella
1/2 C Newman's Own Tomato and Basil Sauce
8 oz of sliced mushrooms, sauteed

Make Sausage
Sautee mushrooms. Mix 1 C Sausage into the mushrooms. (I'm not sure what we are doing with the other cup, except picking at it and force-feeding some to Guinness)
Assemble like you would any normal pizza (sauce, mushroom/sausage mix, cheese on Boboli). Bake according to Boboli package directions.

Probably should make 4 servings. Yeah, that won't happen in this house.
2 servings, 30.5 points each.

Spicy Pizza Sausage from Chaos in the Kitchen

makes 2 cups, prep 5 min, cook 15 min
  • 1 lb ground pork (or 1/2 pork, 1/2 turkey) (we used 10 oz pork, and 6 oz lean ground beef)
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tbsp parsley, fresh or dried
  • 1 tbsp basil, fresh or dried
  • 1 tbsp Parmesan cheese
  • 1 tsp fennel seeds
  • 1 tsp red pepper flakes
  • 1/2 tsp oregano
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • fresh ground black pepper (didn't use)
  • 1/4 cup red wine
  1. In a bowl, combine all ingredients except wine-mix well.
  2. Heat a skillet to medium heat. Press meat mixture into skillet and allow to cook for several minutes undisturbed.
  3. Continue cooking sausage until browned, breaking into small to medium chunks.
  4. Once sausage is browned, add wine to deglaze the pan, scraping up browned bits. Continue cooking until wine evaporates.
  5. When done, drain sausage over paper towels.

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