Sunday, November 28, 2010

Bacon Popcorn

I'm rather undecided by this, which means that I won't have it again. I heard about this recipe a few years ago on the radio, and then my coworker gave me the recipe. It was easy, but I didn't find anything remarkable about it. I tasted no difference in the popcorn. So eh...

Bacon Popcorn

4-5 pieces of bacon
Bacon Grease
1/3 Cup of unpopped popcorn
Salt (if you want it).

Fry up the bacon, and save about 3 TBSP of grease. Set aside the bacon. Put the 3 TBSP of bacon grease into a pot and add 4 kernels and cover. When the kernels pop, add the rest of the popcorn and cover. Cut the bacon into bits while popcorn is popping. When the popcorn is done, add half to a large bowl, add half bacon and your salt and mix. Add the rest and do the same.

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