Monday, June 20, 2011

Cheddar Horseradish Burgers

I got this off of the WeWa website a week or 2 ago, and thought it would be good.  Especially since 2 people said it was good stuff.  They were not wrong.  There was a zing, but not overpowering.  We didn't use cheddar, we used Monterrey Jack with peppers because we had it on hand.  Would definitely have again.  We had with fries (shocking!).

Cheddar Horseradish Burgers

Posted by crissybear
Servings: 6

1 1/2 pounds extra lean ground beef -- (93% lean)
3 cloves garlic -- minced
2 tablespoons worcestershire sauce
2 tablespoons horseradish -- fresh grated or prepared
1 egg white
1/2 cup rolled oats (used Panko, Panko used in NI)
1/4 cup onion -- finely chopped (didn't use, not in NI)
cheeses slices optional (not in NI)
salt and pepper, to taste (not in NI)
6 Hamburger buns (Arnold Whole Wheat)

Put the beef in a large mixing bowl. Fold in remaining ingredients and season with salt and pepper.

Hand-form the meat into 6 burgers, cover them, and chill in the fridge while preparing your grill.

Grill the burgers for 8 minutes per side for medium; 7 minutes if you like your meat rare.

When the burgers are just about cooked, if using, put a couple of slices of cheese on top of each and cover the grill for 1 minute to melt the cheese. Remove the burgers to a clean side plate so you have enough room to toast the buns.

From Sparkpeople:
Nutirional Information

Calories 357.8; Total Fat 9.7g (Saturated Fat 3.4g; Polyunsaturated Fat 1g; Monounsaturated Fat .7g); Cholesterol 65mg; Sodium 481.4mg; Potassium 79.9 mg; Carbohyrates 35.5g; Fiber 1.7g; Protein 31.2g

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