Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sweet Potato Molasses Dog Treats

So I made these for Scuttlebutt and McMenamin. I got it from Doggy Dessert Chef. Except for burning my hands on the sweet potatoes, they were easy to make. I used the KitchenAid which I rarely use. The dough seemed really crumbly until I picked up a section. Then it was fine.

It made 3 cookie sheets worth.

The dogs loved them. D and I thought they didn't have much taste.

Sweet Potato Molasses Dog Treats

Photo by ALB

This recipe for sweet potato molasses dog biscuits make a lot so make sure you have plenty of room in your freezer, or a lot of hungry dogs around!

2 medium Sweet Potatoes, cooked and mashed (approximately 3 cups mashed)...I used 4.
1/4 cup Molasses
1/2 cup Whole Oats
3 tablespoons Butter, softened
1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon
3 cups Whole Wheat Flour

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and line a baking sheet (or 3) with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat.
2. In a large bowl mix all ingredients one at a time, kneading well after each addition.
3. Knead dough into several 5 inch balls and roll each onto a very well floured surface 1/2 inch thick. Cut with the cookie cutter of your choice. (As this recipe makes so many biscuits it’s just easier to roll it out in sections)
4. Place on your prepared cookie sheet and bake for 10 to 15 minutes. Cool and refrigerate. ... I baked for 13 and they were soft, so I baked for 5 more minutes.

Makes 3 cookie sheets full

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